I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not owe a copayment for my generic birth control! I had a long discussion with some like-minded folks at a BBQ yesterday about what incentives employers and insurance companies can offer to both get people healthier and cut costs for the insurance company. Offering gym memberships, discounts for not smoking and being within target weight range. I'm not sure where the line is drawn between this type of incentivizing healthy living and punishing those with unhealthy lifestyles and those who have pre-existing medical conditions that preclude them from hitting up the gym or staying in target weight range.
It is definitely an incentive for me to stay on birth control if it's at no cost to me. They even give me three months' worth in one trip. It is perfectly fine with me if insurance companies make these things as easy as possible simply because they prefer to give me free birth control over fronting the expensive costs of having a child.
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