Sunday, December 4, 2011

GOYA and go to the gym

My brother just told me about this: his insurance company apparently pays for 75% of his gym membership if he goes at least 8 times a month.


Yes, you heard me. If he goes to the gym twice a week, he only has to pay $12 a month at his gym. Think about it. The insurance company is shelling out money to subsidize gym memberships but only if you actually go a significant number of times. If you can't read my tone, this is great! It's the kind of social responsibility that insurance companies should have. They have this incredible influence to monetarily incentivize healthy lifestyles. For the most part, they don't (as far as I've heard except for this). Even if they are only getting 20% of their constituents to follow through on this incentive, they are positively influencing a good number of people to actually change their lifestyles!

What are some other incentives they can do? How can insurance companies incentivize quitting smoking? How can they incentivize losing weight?

I'm hopeful.